Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
.. wikisection:: overview
    :title: (3) Pairwise Alignment

    The :mod:`pw` module exposes the pairwise sequence alignment algorithms
    implemented in C in `pwlib <biseqt.pwlib.html>`_.

    >>> from biseqt.sequence import Alphabet, Sequence
    >>> from import Aligner
    >>> A = Alphabet('ACGT')
    >>> S = A.parse('AAACGCGT')
    >>> T = A.parse('AACGCCTT')
    >>> with Aligner(S, T) as aligner:
    ...     score = aligner.solve()
    ...     aln = aligner.traceback()
    >>> print type(aln)
    <class ''>
    >>> print aln
    origin[0]: AAACGC-GT-
    mutant[0]: AA-CGCC-TT
    >>> print aln.render_term() # same as above but with colored output
import os
import termcolor
import re
from cffi import FFI
from collections import namedtuple

from .sequence import Sequence

lib = None
"""The loaded shared object for ``pwlib``. All functions defined in the header
file are accessible through this object. This object is automatically populated
upon loading this module (cf. :func:`setup_ffi`) and users never have to
manipulate it."""

ffi = None
"""The main FFI instance used throughout this module. This object is
automatically populated upon loading this module (cf. :func:`setup_ffi`) and
users never have to manipulate it."""

[docs]def setup_ffi(): """Instantiates an FFI object as :attr:`ffi` and loads the shared object for pwlib into :attr:`lib`. This function is automatically called when this module loads. Note: CFFI has issues with loading macros as they are defined in a header file. For this reason, and since we don't use the macros in python code any line that begins with ``#define`` is ignored from the header file. This means multiline macros will not work. """ pwlib_so = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'pwlib', '') pwlib_h = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'pwlib', 'pwlib.h') global ffi, lib ffi = FFI() lib = ffi.dlopen(pwlib_so) with open(pwlib_h) as f: # ignore macro definitions in header file; we don't use them in python # and cffi is unhappy about parsing them: headers = '\n'.join(line for line in'\n') if not line.startswith('#define')) ffi.cdef(headers)
setup_ffi() # alignment modes STD_MODE = lib.STD_MODE """Standard alignment type; time and memory complexity is quadratic in sequence lengths.""" BANDED_MODE = lib.BANDED_MODE """Banded alignment type; time and memory complexity is linear in sequence lengths with a constant proportional to band width. This mode is incompatible with local alignments.""" # standard alignment types: GLOBAL = lib.GLOBAL """Standard global alignment problem, i.e Needleman-Wunsch.""" LOCAL = lib.LOCAL """Standard local alignment problem, i.e Smith-Waterman.""" START_ANCHORED = lib.START_ANCHORED """Standard local alignment demanding that it begins at the start of frame of both sequences.""" END_ANCHORED = lib.END_ANCHORED """Standard local alignment demanding that it ends at the end of frame of both sequences.""" OVERLAP = lib.OVERLAP """Standard suffix-prefix alignment in any direction; this includes alignments where a prefix of either sequence matches a suffix of the other and alignments where one sequence is a substring of the other.""" START_ANCHORED_OVERLAP = lib.START_ANCHORED_OVERLAP """Standard suffix-prefix alignment demanding that it begins at the start of frame of both sequences.""" END_ANCHORED_OVERLAP = lib.END_ANCHORED_OVERLAP """Standard suffix-prefix alignment demanding that it ends at the end of frame of both sequences.""" # banded alignment types: B_GLOBAL = lib.B_GLOBAL """Banded global alignment problem; may not be well-defined (end points of the table may not lie in band).""" B_OVERLAP = lib.B_OVERLAP """Banded suffix-prefix alignment problem in either direction including substring alignments.""" B_LOCAL = lib.B_LOCAL """Banded local alignment problem.""" ALN_TYPES = { STD_MODE: [GLOBAL, LOCAL, START_ANCHORED, END_ANCHORED, OVERLAP, START_ANCHORED_OVERLAP, END_ANCHORED_OVERLAP], BANDED_MODE: [B_GLOBAL, B_OVERLAP, B_LOCAL], }
[docs]class Aligner(object): """Provides a context that solves a pairwise alignment problem. Memory is allocated upon entering the context and is freed upon leaving it. All alignment calculations (:func:`solve` and :func:`traceback`) are explicitly invoked by the caller. Args: origin (sequence.Sequence): The original ("from") sequence. mutant (sequence.Sequence): The mutant ("to") sequence. Keyword Args: origin_range (tuple): The original ("from") sequence; cf. :c:member:`alnframe::origin_range`. mutant_range (tuple): The mutant ("to") sequence; cf. :c:member:`alnframe::mutant_range`. alnmode (int): One of the :attr:`STD_MODE` or :attr:`BANDED_MODE`, default is ``STD_MODE``; cf. :c:member:`alnprob::mode`. alntype (int): One of the allowed alingment types for the given *alnmode*, see :attr:`ALN_TYPES`; default is ``GLOBAL``; cf. :c:type:`std_alnparams` and :c:type:`banded_alnparams`. subst_scores (list): The overriding definition of the substitution score matrix; cf. :c:member:`alnscores::subst_scores`. Default is None in which case the score matrix is populated based on match and mismatch scores. match_score (float): If ``subst_scores`` is not given, this parameter is used to populate the diagonal entries of the substitution score matrix; default is 1. mismatch_score (float): If ``subst_scores`` is not given, this parameter is used to populate the off-diagonal entries of the substitution score matrix; default is 0. go_score (float): The gap open score; cf. :c:member:`alnscores::gap_open_score`. Default is 0. ge_score (float): The gap extend score; cf. :c:member:`alnscores::gap_extend_score`. Default is 0. max_new_mins (int): Maximum number of tolerated new minima encountered in the running score of an alignment; cf. :c:member:`alnprob::max_new_mins`. Default is -1 in which case no such constraint is imposed. diag_range (tuple): If in :attr:`BANDED_MODE` this argument specifies the upper and lower limit on diagonals of the dynamic programming table to be populated; cf. :c:type:`banded_alnparams`. min_score (float): The minimum required score for an alignment to be reported; default is ``float("-inf")`` in which case all alignments are reported. """ def __init__(self, origin, mutant, **kw): self.min_score = kw.get('min_score', float('-inf')) self.alnmode = kw.get('alnmode', STD_MODE) self.alntype = kw.get('alntype', GLOBAL) assert self.alnmode in [STD_MODE, BANDED_MODE] assert self.alntype in ALN_TYPES[self.alnmode] # set origin, mutant, and alphabet assert isinstance(origin, Sequence) and isinstance(mutant, Sequence) assert origin.alphabet == mutant.alphabet self.origin, self.mutant = origin, mutant self.alphabet = origin.alphabet # set origin_range and mutant_range origin_range = kw.get('origin_range', (0, len(self.origin))) mutant_range = kw.get('mutant_range', (0, len(self.mutant))) assert 0 <= origin_range[0] <= origin_range[1] <= len(self.origin) assert 0 <= mutant_range[0] <= mutant_range[1] <= len(self.mutant) self.origin_range, self.mutant_range = origin_range, mutant_range # set alignment scores self.go_score = kw.get('go_score', 0) self.ge_score = kw.get('ge_score', 0) L = len(self.alphabet) subst_scores = kw.get('subst_scores', None) if subst_scores is None: mismatch = kw.get('mismatch_score', 0) match = kw.get('match_score', 1) subst_scores = [ [match if i == j else mismatch for i in range(L)] for j in range(L) ] assert isinstance(subst_scores, list) and len(subst_scores) == L self.subst_scores = subst_scores self.max_new_mins = kw.get('max_new_mins', -1) self.diag_range = kw.get('diag_range', None) # create all the C data structures self.c_subst_scores_rows = ['double[]', self.subst_scores[i]) for i in range(L)] self.c_subst_scores ='double *[]', self.c_subst_scores_rows) self.c_alnscores ='alnscores*', { 'subst_scores': self.c_subst_scores, 'gap_open_score': self.go_score, 'gap_extend_score': self.ge_score, }) self.c_origin ='int[]', self.origin.contents) self.c_mutant ='int[]', self.mutant.contents) self.c_alnframe ='alnframe*', { 'origin': self.c_origin, 'mutant': self.c_mutant, 'origin_range': self.origin_range, 'mutant_range': self.mutant_range, }) if self.alnmode == STD_MODE: self.c_alnparams ='std_alnparams*', {'type': self.alntype}) elif self.alnmode == BANDED_MODE: self.min_diag, self.max_diag = kw['diag_range'] assert -len(mutant) <= self.min_diag <= \ self.max_diag <= len(origin) self.c_alnparams ='banded_alnparams*', { 'type': self.alntype, 'dmin': self.min_diag, 'dmax': self.max_diag, }) self.c_alnprob ='alnprob*', { 'frame': self.c_alnframe, 'scores': self.c_alnscores, 'mode': self.alnmode, 'max_new_mins': self.max_new_mins, 'std_params' if self.alnmode == STD_MODE else 'banded_params': self.c_alnparams, }) self.c_dptable ='dptable*', { 'prob': self.c_alnprob, 'cells': ffi.NULL, 'num_rows': -1, 'row_lens': ffi.NULL, }) def __enter__(self): """Allocates memory for the dynamic programming table and initializes all cells.""" if lib.dptable_init(self.c_dptable) == -1: raise Exception('Failed to initialize the DP table.') return self def __exit__(self, *args): """Frees the allocated memory for the dynamic programming table.""" lib.dptable_free(self.c_dptable) # FIXME check whether we are in context; does it crash if we are not?
[docs] def solve(self): """Populates the regions of interest in the dynamic programming table and reports the optimal score; if any. This function must be called within the context, cf. :func:`__enter__`, :func:`__exit__`. Returns: score (float): The score of the optimal alignment or None if none found. """ self.opt = lib.dptable_solve(self.c_dptable) if self.opt.i == -1 or self.opt.j == -1: self.opt = None return None score = self.c_dptable.cells[self.opt.i][self.opt.j].choices[0].score if score < self.min_score: self.opt = None return None return score
[docs] def table_scores(self): """Returns a 2D array of scores calculated by :func:`solve()`.""" if self.alnmode != STD_MODE: raise NotImplementedError scores = [[self.c_dptable.cells[i][j].choices[0].score for j in range(*self.mutant_range)] for i in range(*self.origin_range)] return scores
[docs] def traceback(self): """Traces back the optimal alignment identified by :func:`solve`. This function has to be called within the context and after :func:`solve`. Otherwise no alignment would be found. Returns: Alignment: The optimal alignment or None if none found. """ if self.opt is None: return None alignment = lib.dptable_traceback(self.c_dptable, self.opt) assert alignment != ffi.NULL transcript = ffi.string(alignment.transcript) if not transcript: return None return Alignment(self.origin, self.mutant, transcript, score=alignment.score, origin_start=alignment.origin_idx, mutant_start=alignment.mutant_idx)
[docs] def calculate_score(self, alignment): """Scores a given alignment for :attr:`origin` and :attr:`mutant`. Args: alignment (Alignment): The alignment to be evaluated. Returns: float: The score of the alignment based on :attr:`subst_scores`, :attr:`go_score`, and :attr:`ge_score`. """ return alignment.calculate_score(self.subst_scores, self.go_score, self.ge_score)
[docs]class Alignment(object): """Represents a pairwise alignment. Attributes: origin (sequence.Sequence): The original ("from") sequence. mutant (sequence.Sequence): The mutant ("to") sequence. alphabet (sequence.Alphabet): The shared alphabet of *origin* and *mutant*. transcript (str): The sequence of edit operations that transforms *origin* to *mutant*. The alphabet for edit operations is ``M`` for match, ``S`` for substitution (mismatch), and ``I`` and ``D`` for insertion and deletion. origin_start (int): Starting position on the original sequence; default is 0. mutant_start (int): Starting position on the mutant sequence; default is 0. score (float): The score of the alignment; default is None. """ def __init__(self, origin, mutant, transcript, score=None, origin_start=0, mutant_start=0): assert isinstance(origin, Sequence) and isinstance(mutant, Sequence) assert origin.alphabet == mutant.alphabet self.alphabet = origin.alphabet assert all(c in 'MSID' for c in transcript) assert len(transcript) > 0 origin_end = origin_start + self.projected_len(transcript, on='origin') mutant_end = mutant_start + self.projected_len(transcript, on='mutant') assert 0 <= origin_start and origin_end <= len(origin) assert 0 <= mutant_start and mutant_end <= len(mutant) self.transcript = str(transcript) self.origin, self.mutant = origin, mutant self.origin_start, self.mutant_start = origin_start, mutant_start self.score = score def __str__(self): return self.render_term(term_width=float('+inf'), margin=0, colored=0) def __eq__(self, other): assert isinstance(other, Alignment) return other.origin == self.origin and \ other.mutant == self.mutant and \ other.transcript == self.transcript and \ other.origin_start == self.origin_start and \ other.mutant_start == self.mutant_start
[docs] @classmethod def projected_len(cls, transcript, on='origin'): """Calculates the projected length of a given transcript on either of the involved sequences. For instance: >>> biseqt.Alignment.projected_len('MSI', on='origin') 2 >>> biseqt.Alignment.projected_len('MSI', on='mutant') 3 Args: transcript (str): A sequence of edit operations, cf. :attr:`Alignment.transcript`. Keyword Args: on (str): Either of ``origin`` or ``mutant``. Returns: int: The projected length of the edit transcript. """ assert on in ['origin', 'mutant'] ops = 'MSD' if on == 'origin' else 'MSI' return sum(int(op in ops) for op in transcript)
[docs] def calculate_score(self, subst_scores, go_score, ge_score): """Scores a this alignment according to given scoring scheme. Args: subst_scores (list): The substitution score matrix, cf. :attr:`Aligner.subst_scores`. go_score (float): The gap open score; cf. :attr:`Aligner.go_score`. ge_score (float): The gap extend score; cf. :attr:`Aligner.ge_score`. Returns: float: The score of the alignment for :attr:`origin` and :attr:`mutant` based on given scores. """ score = 0. i, j = self.origin_start, self.mutant_start def tokens(): for match in re.finditer(r'(.)\1*', self.transcript): match = yield match[0], len(match) for op, num in tokens(): if op in 'MS': score += sum( subst_scores[self.origin[i + k]][self.mutant[j + k]] for k in range(num) ) i, j = i + num, j + num else: assert op in 'ID' score += go_score + ge_score * num if op == 'I': j = j + num else: i = i + num return score
[docs] def truncate_to_match(self): tx_start = 0 origin_start, mutant_start = self.origin_start, self.mutant_start tx_end = len(self.transcript) - 1 while self.transcript[tx_start] != 'M': if self.transcript[tx_start] in 'DS': origin_start += 1 if self.transcript[tx_start] in 'IS': mutant_start += 1 tx_start += 1 while self.transcript[tx_end] != 'M': tx_end -= 1 if tx_start < tx_end: tx = self.transcript[tx_start:tx_end + 1] return Alignment(self.origin, self.mutant, tx, origin_start=origin_start, mutant_start=mutant_start) else: return None
[docs] def render_term(self, term_width=120, margin=0, colored=True): """Renders a textual representation of the alignment. Keyword Args: term_width (int): Terminal width used for wrapping; default is 120 and the smallest valid value is 30. margin (length): Length of leading and trailing substring to include in original and mutant sequences; default is 20. colored (bool): Whether or not to use ANSI color codes in output; default is True. Returns: str """ assert term_width >= 30 assert margin >= 0 letlen = self.alphabet._letlen Carriage = namedtuple('carriage', ['pos', 'o_idx', 'm_idx', 'o_line', 'm_line']) term_color = {'M': 'green', 'S': 'red'} term_on_color = {} # In the rest: o_X and m_X mean X for origin and mutatnt, resp. # Creates an alignment line preamble, i.e a double line for origin and # sequence, given starting positions on each. The output is a tuple # (pos, o_line, m_line) where pos is the position in line after the # preamble. def start_line(o_idx, m_idx): kw = { 'o_idx': o_idx, 'm_idx': m_idx, 'o_line': 'origin[%d]: ' % o_idx, 'm_line': 'mutant[%d]: ' % m_idx, } pos = max(len(kw['o_line']), len(kw['m_line'])) assert pos <= term_width, \ 'Alignment preamble does not fit in width %d' % term_width return Carriage(pos=pos, **kw) # returns a right adjusted double line given the two lines of an # alignment, i.e the origin and mutant versions. def carriage_flush(carriage): line_len = max(len(carriage.o_line), len(carriage.m_line)) o_line = carriage.o_line.rjust(line_len) m_line = carriage.m_line.rjust(line_len) return '%s\n%s\n' % (o_line, m_line) def carriage_fwd(carriage, op=None): gap = '.' * letlen if op is None else '-' * letlen o_contents, m_contents = gap, gap if op is None: if carriage.o_idx >= 0 and carriage.o_idx < len(self.origin): o_contents = self.alphabet[self.origin[carriage.o_idx]] if carriage.m_idx >= 0 and carriage.m_idx < len(self.mutant): m_contents = self.alphabet[self.mutant[carriage.m_idx]] else: assert op in 'MSID' if op in 'MSD': o_contents = self.alphabet[self.origin[carriage.o_idx]] if op in 'MSI': m_contents = self.alphabet[self.mutant[carriage.m_idx]] length = len(o_contents) assert length == len(m_contents) colors = {'color': None, 'on_color': None} if colored and op in term_color: colors['color'] = term_color[op] if colored and op in term_on_color: colors['on_color'] = term_on_color[op] o_contents = termcolor.colored(o_contents, **colors) m_contents = termcolor.colored(m_contents, **colors) output = '' if carriage.pos >= term_width: output += carriage_flush(carriage) carriage = start_line(carriage.o_idx, carriage.m_idx) return output, Carriage( pos=carriage.pos + length, o_idx=carriage.o_idx + int(op is None or op in 'MSD'), m_idx=carriage.m_idx + int(op is None or op in 'MSI'), o_line=carriage.o_line + o_contents, m_line=carriage.m_line + m_contents ) # the arguments are the starting positions in the origin/mutant. def pre_margin(o_idx, m_idx): margin_len = min(margin, max(o_idx, m_idx) * letlen) carriage = start_line(o_idx - margin_len, m_idx - margin_len) output = '' # the pre-margin for i in range(margin_len): out, carriage = carriage_fwd(carriage, op=None) output += out return output, carriage # the arguments are the ending positions in the origin/mutant. def post_margin(carriage): output = '' margin_len = min(margin, max((len(self.origin) - carriage.o_idx) * letlen, (len(self.mutant) - carriage.m_idx) * letlen)) for i in range(margin_len): out, carriage = carriage_fwd(carriage, op=None) output += out return output + carriage_flush(carriage) output, carriage = pre_margin(self.origin_start, self.mutant_start) for op in self.transcript: out, carriage = carriage_fwd(carriage, op=op) output += out output += post_margin(carriage) # when output is not supposed to be cleared remove the spurious color # reset ANSI escape sequence that termcolor adds: if not colored: output = output.replace(termcolor.RESET, '') return output