Source code for biseqt.sequence

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
.. wikisection:: overview
    :title: (1) Alphabets and Sequences

    An :class:`Alphabet` is defined by a list of letters and a
    :class:`Sequence` is a list of letters from an alphabet.

    >>> from biseqt.sequence import Alphabet, Sequence
    >>> A = Alphabet('ACGT')
    >>> S = A.parse('AACTTCG')
    >>> print S.contents
    (0, 0, 1, 3, 3, 1, 2)
    >>> print S[:3]
    >>> print S.content_id[:8]
    'd9f235b1a44358cc80237d5e5c46c06d81a83e46' # SHA1 of sequence contents

    The letters in an alphabet not need be single characters but all must have
    the same length.

    >>> A = Alphabet(['A1', 'A2', 'A3', 'A4'])
    >>> S = A.parse('A1A1A3A2')
    >>> print len(S)
from itertools import chain
from hashlib import sha1

[docs]class Alphabet(object): """A sequence alphabet. Attributes: _letters (tuple): The letters in the alphabet. All ``getitem`` operations (i.e indexing and slicing) are delegated to this tuple. This attribute should be considered read-only. _letlen (int): The length of the letters in the alphabet when represented as a string. This attribute should be considered read-only. """ def __init__(self, letters): """ Args: letters (iterable): The elements of this iterable must be hashable, i.e can be keys of a dictionary, and must respond to :func:`len`. Typically, they are single character strings. """ self._letters = tuple(letters) self._letlen = len(self._letters[0]) assert all(len(l) == self._letlen for l in self._letters), \ 'All alphabet letters must have the same length' self._idx_by_letter = {l: idx for idx, l in enumerate(self._letters)}
[docs] def letter_to_idx(self, letters): """Translates provided letters to the integer sequence corresponding to the index of each letter in this alphabet. Args: letters (iterable): The letters to be translated to integer indices. Each element retrieved through iteration should be an element in :attr:`_letters`. Returns: tuple """ return tuple(self._idx_by_letter[l] for l in letters)
[docs] def parse(self, string): """Given a string representation of a sequence returns a corresponding :class:`Sequence` object. Args: string (str): The raw sequence represented as a string. Returns: Sequence """ assert isinstance(string, str), 'Raw sequence must be in string form' assert len(string) % self._letlen == 0, 'String representation ' + \ 'of sequence must be a multiple of the alphabet letter length' contents = [] idx = 0 while idx < len(string): contents.append(string[idx:idx + self._letlen]) idx += self._letlen contents = self.letter_to_idx(contents) return Sequence(self, contents)
[docs] def transform(self, seq, mappings={}): """Transforms the given sequence to another sequence in the same alphabet according to provided letter-to-letter mappings. Args: seq (Sequence): The original sequence. mappings (list|dict): If a dictionary is given, each entry represents a translation rule from the key to the value. If a list is given, each entry must have two elements and is taken to represent a bidirectional translation rule between those two elements. Each element in either a dictionary or a list can either be a letter in string format or an integer representing the position of the letter. Returns: Sequence For example, to get the complement of a DNA sequence:: >>> from biseqt.sequence import Alphabet, complement >>> A = Alphabet('ACGT') >>> S = A.parse('AGGGT') >>> print A.transform(S, mappings=['AT', 'CG']) 'TCCCA' whereas to get the same effect with a dictionary:: >>> mappings = {'A': 'T', 'T': 'A', 'C': 'G', 'G': 'C'} >>> print A.complement(S, mappings) 'TCCCA' """ mappings = mappings if mappings is not None else {} if isinstance(mappings, list): assert all(len(m) == 2 for m in mappings) mappings = dict(chain.from_iterable( [(rule[0], rule[1]), (rule[1], rule[0])] for rule in mappings )) # for any letter (as int) c, pair_of[c] determines what its mapped to. pair_of = range(len(self)) # do not modify by default for key, val in mappings.items(): if not isinstance(key, int): key = self._idx_by_letter[key] if not isinstance(val, int): val = self._idx_by_letter[val] pair_of[key] = val assert all(isinstance(idx, int) for idx in pair_of) return Sequence(self, tuple(pair_of[c] for c in seq))
def __len__(self): return len(self._letters) def __eq__(self, other): assert isinstance(other, Alphabet), \ 'Only alphabets can be compared with alphabets' return self._letters == other._letters def __getitem__(self, key): return self._letters.__getitem__(key) def __repr__(self): return 'Alphabet([%s])' % \ ','.join('"%s"' % self[idx] for idx in range(len(self)))
[docs]class Sequence(object): """An immutable sequence of letters from some :class:`Alphabet` which behaves mostly like a tuple. Attributes: alphabet (Alphabet): The :class:`Alphabet` of the sequence. contents (tuple): The contents of the sequence represented as tuple of integers of the same length where each letter is represented by its position in the alphabet. content_id (string): Hex representation of the sequence SHA1. """ def __init__(self, alphabet, contents=()): """Initializes the sequence object: translates all letters to integers corresponding to the position of each letter in the alphabet. Args: alphabet (Alphabet): The :class:`Alphabet` of the sequence. contents (iterable): The contents of the sequence as an iterable, each element of which is the integer representation of a letter from the :class:`Alphabet`; default is an empty sequence. If the alphabet letter length is one, this argument can be a string. """ assert isinstance(alphabet, Alphabet) self.alphabet = alphabet assert all(isinstance(c, int) and c < len(alphabet) for c in contents) self.contents = tuple(contents) self.content_id = sha1(str(self)).hexdigest()
[docs] def reverse(self): """Returns another sequence whose contents are the reverse of this sequence in order. Returns: Sequence """ return Sequence(self.alphabet, tuple(reversed(self.contents)))
[docs] def transform(self, mappings={}): """Wraps :func:`Alphabet.transform` for convenience.""" return self.alphabet.transform(self, mappings=mappings)
def __str__(self): return ''.join(self.alphabet[idx] for idx in self.contents) def __repr__(self): return 'Sequence(%s, contents=%s)' % \ (repr(self.alphabet), repr(self.contents)) def __len__(self): return len(self.contents) def __nonzero__(self): return True if self.contents else False def __getitem__(self, key): if isinstance(key, int): return self.contents[key] else: return Sequence(self.alphabet, self.contents.__getitem__(key)) def __eq__(self, other): return self.alphabet == other.alphabet and \ self.content_id == other.content_id def __add__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Sequence): assert self.alphabet == other.alphabet contents = other.contents else: contents = self.alphabet.letter_to_idx(other) return Sequence(self.alphabet, self.contents + contents)