Source code for experiments.blot_rearrangement

import numpy as np
from matplotlib import gridspec
import matplotlib
import logging
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable

from import Aligner, STD_MODE, LOCAL
from biseqt.blot import WordBlot
from biseqt.sequence import Alphabet
from biseqt.stochastics import rand_seq, MutationProcess
from util import plot_scored_seeds, plot_seeds
from util import plot_similar_segment, adjust_pw_plot
from util import log, savefig

[docs]def exp_rearrangement(): """Example demonstrating of Word-Blot for pairwise local similarity search on two randomly generated sequencees with motif sequences violating collinearity :math:`S=M_1M_2M_3, T=M'_1M'_1M'_3M'_2` where motif pairs :math:`(M_i, M'_i)_{i=1,2,3}` have lengths 200, 400, 600 and are related by match probabilities 0.95, 0.85, and 0.75, respectively. .. figure:: :target: :alt: lightbox Dynamic programming scores of the forward pass of Smith Waterman are shown in color code (*left*) with seeds (word length 6) grey intensity coded according to the local match probability assigned by Word-Blot (minimum similarity length 200). Similar segments reported by Word-Blot are shown as grey diagonal strips (*left*) and schematically (*right*) color coded by their Word-Blot estimated match probabilities (note agreement with true match probabilities). """ # NOTE we are running whole table DP later here; be careful with size K = 200 wordlen = 6 A = Alphabet('ACGT') WB_kw = {'g_max': .2, 'sensitivity': .9, 'alphabet': A, 'wordlen': wordlen, 'path': ':memory:', 'log_level': logging.INFO} # homologies Hs = [rand_seq(A, i) for i in [i * K for i in range(1, 4)]] ps = [.95, .85, .75] Ms = [] for p_match in ps: subst = gap = 1 - np.sqrt(p_match) print subst, gap Ms.append( MutationProcess(A, subst_probs=subst, ge_prob=gap, go_prob=gap) ) # connector junk def J(): return rand_seq(A, 2 * K) S = J() + Hs[0] + J() + Hs[1] + J() + Hs[2] + J() Hs = [M.mutate(hom)[0] for hom, M in zip(Hs, Ms)] T = J() + Hs[0] + J() + Hs[0] + Hs[2] + J() + Hs[1] + J() fig = plt.figure(figsize=(9, 6)) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 2, width_ratios=[3, 1]) ax_seeds = plt.subplot(gs[0]) ax_mapping = plt.subplot(gs[1]) WB = WordBlot(S, T, **WB_kw) p_min = .95 * min(ps) scored_seeds = WB.score_seeds(K) scored_seeds = [(WB.to_ij_coordinates(*rec['seed']), rec['p']) for rec in scored_seeds] plot_seeds(ax_seeds, [x[0] for x in scored_seeds]) cmap ='plasma') sim_segments = list(WB.similar_segments(K_min=K, p_min=p_min)) min_p_obs = min(rec['p'] for rec in sim_segments) max_p_obs = max(rec['p'] for rec in sim_segments) for rec in sim_segments: print rec seg = rec['segment'] (i_start, i_end), (j_start, j_end) = WB.to_ij_coordinates_seg(seg) i_ctr, j_ctr = (i_start + i_end) / 2, (j_start + j_end) / 2 color = cmap((rec['p'] - min_p_obs) / (max_p_obs - min_p_obs))[:3] plot_similar_segment(ax_seeds, seg, lw=5, alpha=.1, c='k') ax_mapping.plot([1, 1], [i_start, i_end], lw=3, c=color, alpha=.7) ax_mapping.plot([2, 2], [j_start, j_end], lw=3, c=color, alpha=.7) ax_mapping.plot([1, 2], [i_ctr, j_ctr], marker='o', markersize=7, lw=2, c=color, alpha=.4) ax_mapping.set_xticks([1, 2]) ax_mapping.set_xticklabels(['S', 'T']) ax_mapping.set_xlim(0, 3) ax_mapping.set_ylim(0, None) ax_c = make_axes_locatable(ax_mapping).append_axes('right', size='4%', pad=0.05) norm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=min_p_obs, vmax=max_p_obs) matplotlib.colorbar.ColorbarBase(ax_c, cmap=cmap, norm=norm, orientation='vertical') aligner_kw = { 'match_score': 1 / p_min - 1, 'mismatch_score': -1, 'ge_score': -1, 'go_score': 0, 'alnmode': STD_MODE, 'alntype': LOCAL, } print len(S), len(T) with Aligner(S, T, **aligner_kw) as aligner: aligner.solve() scores = np.array(aligner.table_scores()) min_score = min(scores.flatten()) max_score = max(scores.flatten()) ax_seeds.imshow(scores, cmap='plasma', alpha=.3) ax_c = make_axes_locatable(ax_seeds).append_axes('right', size='4%', pad=0.05) norm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=min_score, vmax=max_score) matplotlib.colorbar.ColorbarBase(ax_c, cmap='plasma', norm=norm, orientation='vertical') adjust_pw_plot(ax_seeds, len(S), len(T)) ax_seeds.set_xlabel('T') ax_seeds.set_ylabel('S') fig.tight_layout() savefig(fig, 'rearrangement.png')
def exp_repeat_regions(): gap = .2 subst = .1 K = 500 wordlen = 8 A = Alphabet('ACGT') # NOTE I can drive sensitivity to 0 and get decent results WB_kw = {'g_max': .2, 'sensitivity': .9, 'alphabet': A, 'wordlen': wordlen, 'path': ':memory:', 'log_level': logging.INFO} M = MutationProcess(A, subst_probs=subst, ge_prob=gap, go_prob=gap) homs = [rand_seq(A, i) for i in [K/2, K, 2 * K, 4 * K]] def junk(): return rand_seq(A, np.random.randint(2 * K, 4 * K)) junks = [junk() for _ in range(3 * len(homs))] S = sum([junks[3 * i] + R + junks[3 * i + 1] + R + junks[3 * i + 2] + R for i, R in enumerate(homs)], A.parse('')) + junk() homs = [M.mutate(homs[i])[0] for i in range(len(homs))] T = S fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 5)) ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) log('finding repeat regions') WB = WordBlot(S, T, **WB_kw) match = (1 - gap) * (1 - subst) scored_seeds = WB.score_seeds(K) # convert to ij coordinates and exclude half of the table (mirror image) scored_seeds = [(WB.to_ij_coordinates(*rec['seed']), rec['p']) for rec in scored_seeds if rec['seed'][0] <= 0] plot_scored_seeds(ax, scored_seeds) for rec in WB.similar_segments(K_min=K, p_min=match): segment, scores, p_hat = rec['segment'], rec['scores'], rec['p'] (d_min, d_max), (a_min, a_max) = rec['segment'] if d_min > 0: # self comparison, exclude half of the table continue log('repeat region %s, scores = (%.2f, %.2f), p = %.2f' % (str(segment), scores[0], scores[1], p_hat)) plot_similar_segment(ax, segment, c='b', lw=5, alpha=.2) adjust_pw_plot(ax, len(S), len(T)) ax.set_title('Repeat regions', y=1.05, fontsize=10) fig.suptitle('word len. = %d, min. hom. len = %d, min.match = %.2f' % (wordlen, K, match), fontsize=8) fig.tight_layout() savefig(fig, 'repeat_regions.png') if __name__ == '__main__': exp_rearrangement() exp_repeat_regions()